Monday, October 18, 2010

(Draft) I Am Local, Not Online

Back in the 1990s, we played video game without any online support. I remember when I would go into the arcade with some friends, or go to a friend’s house, play video games, eat pizza, and having a good time. But because of the popularity of online gaming, and the decline of arcades, what happened to the video game community? Did online gaming change the way on how we play video games?
Nowadays, I would see people on Xbox Live or Playstation Network playing more FPS than fighting games online. What made me sick to my stomach about the online community is that I have never seen so many people use so much racial and/or sexual slurs online, mostly coming from immature little kids under the age of 17. Lagging issues are also a main problem because it always messes me up while I’m playing a fighting game. I rather stick to local competition because it’s better to be playing that person that is sitting next to me, whether it is a friend or another stranger.
There are times where local gaming gets out of hand. Take fighting game tournaments for example. A couple days ago, I was watching a fighting game tournament called Season’s Beating Redemption. I saw a match between Daigo (Ryu) against Marn (Dudley). After Marn eliminated Daigo from the tournament, I couldn’t believe what I’ve just saw. I saw Marn go up to the announcer booth, only to trash talk about Daigo behind his back. I find that disrespectful that he did that. Thankfully, Marn talked about the controversy in his blog.
In the end, local gaming is better than online gaming because at least you don’t have to deal with lagging issues or any kinds of discrimination with other players.

1 comment:

  1. Just like what snake has said: wars (games) have changed. lol. I believe online games will never replace arcade game, its totally different kind of feeling when you are playing infront of a PC and an arcade machine. Last but not the least, I hate lagging!!
